• Smartkey

  • How do I re-key using SmartKey?
  • How do I recover a jammed or misprogrammed SmartKey cylinder?
  • I have an old Weiser key, will it work with SmartKey?
    In 2009, Weiser introduced SmartKey. SmartKey technology is more secure than a traditional pin and tumbler lock. SmartKey re-key technology provides additional security:
    • SmartKey is available in an ANSI Grade 1 deadbolt- certified the highest level of residential security.
    • SmartKey offers BumpGuard™ protection, to protect against lock bumping, an attack technique that can defeat conventional pin and tumbler locks.
    • SmartKey is pick-resistant and passes the highest test standard against lock picking—UL 437.
    • SmartKey provides the flexibility to re-key your locks, yourself, in seconds, as frequently as you wish. If you lose a key or loan out a key that you didn't get back, you can re-key your locks and secure your home in seconds.
    To learn more about SmartKey click here.
  • Where do I get extra keys if I want to re-key my SmartKey lock?
    You can purchase online or in most retail stores the Weiser SmartKey Re-Key kit. The kit comes with 4 pre-cut replacement “everyday” keys and 2 pre-cut “temporary” keys. Use the “everday” keys to quickly re-key your SmartKey locks to a new key. Use the “temporary” keys to re-key a specific lock for temporary access for a housekeeper, guests, or contractor. You can also purchase extra keys at any hardware store. SmartKey is compatible with the KW1 keyway.
  • Is a Weiser lock with SmartKey re-key technology more secure than a traditional pin and tumbler lock?
    Yes, SmartKey re-key technology provides additional security:
    • SmartKey is available in an ANSI Grade 1 deadbolt- certified the highest level of residential security.
    • SmartKey offers BumpGuard™ protection, to protect against lock bumping, an attack technique that can defeat conventional pin and tumbler locks.
    • SmartKey is pick-resistant and passes the highest test standard against lock picking—UL 437.
    • SmartKey provides the flexibility to re-key your locks, yourself, in seconds, as frequently as you wish. If you lose a key or loan out a key that you didn't get back, you can re-key your locks and secure your home in seconds.
  • If SmartKey is so easy to re-key, what will prevent someone from being able to re-key my locks?
    SmartKey locks can only be re-keyed if you have the current functioning key and the SmartKey Learn Tool. If someone does not have the current functioning key, then that person will not be able to re-key your locks.
  • Am I limited to how many times a SmartKey lock can be re-keyed?
    No, by re-keying your lock, your old key is now obsolete. The new key becomes the current functional key that works with your lock and can be used to re-key your lock in the future.
  • What happens if I lose my current key?
    If you lose the functioning key(s), you would need to either take the SmartKey lock back to the home improvement retailer or an authorized Weiser locksmith to reset the lock, just as you would with any conventional lock. Once reset, SmartKey will function normally.
  • What is Lock Bumping?
    For many years, Locksmith Professionals have utilized several methods and tools to bypass pin and tumbler locks for legal purposes. One such technique is called "bumping". Lock bumping, also referred to as key bumping is an attack technique using specially cut keys, known as bump keys, that can defeat conventional pin and tumbler door locks.
  • How is Lock Bumping Done?
    Lock Bumping uses the basic principles of physics by inserting a specially cut 'bump-key' (also referred to as a 999 key) into the lock, then by using any type of object the key is then struck or 'bumped'. The energy transferred from the impact forces the pins within the lock up above the shear line for a fraction of a second enabling the lock to be opened.
  • What makes SmartKey unable to be bumped?
    SmartKey's side-locking bar technology eliminates the typical sheer line, pins and tumbler mechanisms in its design, which are the most vulnerable points in conventional residential locks.
  • Is lock-bumping the same as lock-picking?
    No, lock-picking is actually the act of unlocking a lock by manipulating the components of the lock device, without the original key, which requires a pretty high level of skill and practice.
  • What is being done to prevent Lock Bumping?

    State and federal laws prohibit the distribution of 'locksmithing devices' to anyone other than lock manufacturers or others with a recognized legal purpose. Weiser is working closely with the industry trade association, Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association ('BHMA'), to minimize the risk that such devices can be obtained by individuals for improper purposes.


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